Friday, December 4, 2009

Elliot's Favorite Music of 2009

Behold! The path that lies before you is rather challenging, but you'll find that you've emerged from the other side a stronger person; one who has a deeper understanding of something that cannot even be named, as comprehension of its elusive nature is not possible before this journey.

You'll be asked to confront a dragon, astral project beyond the sun, and thwart a wicked forest queen.

Do you accept the challenge?

Yes, I'm ready for my quest. (Turn to page 39.)

No, I'm frightened and want to give up. (Turn to page 107.)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

While we were snowed in.

Can this decade sustain another throwback to the 80s?


This man wrote an entire album based on the tragic life of Bobby Driscoll, who was the original Peter Pan.